About Us

Meet Mr. Lemonade
Your go-to wholesale partner for a refreshing twist! Specializing in craft sodas, artisanal drinks, delectable snacks, and innovative packaging solutions, we are the heartbeat of independent businesses across London and the UK. Our diverse range includes everything from zesty Lemonade and revitalizing Kombucha to luscious plant-based milk, wholesome juices, and invigorating health shots.
At Mr. Lemonade, we're not just suppliers; we're dreamers and doers, dedicated to making unique, high-quality products accessible to all. Join us on our journey, and let's refresh the market together.
Our story

From a council garage and 2 SKU’s Mr Lemonade started to build its relationship with customers that, like them, was just starting or was looking for to source unique products that would conquer the final consumer.

Karol then amplified his research on the current market and extend Mr Lemonade catalog, including brands from small and local producers to big named brands that were already smashing on the market. So, the council garage couldn’t handle the volume and the quickest and affordable way Mr Lemonade found was to use containers as the next storage space.

Karol and Thaiz quit their main jobs to dedicated themselves exclusively to Mr Lemonade as the business growth was going incredible fast and required 100% dedication. Once again they found themselves running out of space, and despite being apprehensive of overspending and the failure, they took a leap of faith in a new warehouse.

What a year! Space has always been Mr Lemonade number 1 enemy, and with no doubt at this time, a second warehouse was taken in order to help the growth. Bang! Covid-19 burst right in everyone’s face and the world has fallen in our heads. What to do now? Karol and Thaiz rolled up their sleeves, took the broken pieces and run after the damage. Mr Lemonade adjusted to the new reality of life with Covid-19 and worked very hard to source the best products in order to help business to survive during the pandemic.

Recovering from the impact of the pandemic, once again Karol went extra mile in his researches and proudly has officially launched Packaging Services, focusing on quality, but affordable prices to support all business that were directly and indirectly affected by the terrible consequences of the pandemic. Because together, we are one! We know, may sounds cliche, but in 2021 Mr Lemonade was again hunting for a new place, and guess what? We got it!

“ I would say that this is the best year so far, considering everything we all have been through. Mr Lemonade is always looking for that thing, which you are looking for, that thing that will make your business unique”. - Karol Chamera